Ana Carttori Return Policy

  • Hassle Free

    If you don't absolutely love your purchase we offer pre-paid returns for a $5 fee.

    You will receive a full refund to the original payment method, not including your original shipping charge. We will only accept items purchased on for a return.

    Please note we do not offer exchanges at this time.

  • First Steps

    1. Pack the item(s) you’d like to return in the original packaging (if available). Otherwise, pack the item(s) in a well-padded envelope or box for protection during shipping.

    2. Attach the prepaid return label to the front of the package. Mail your return package via the United States Postal Service (USPS).

    3. Look out for an email confirmation—we’ll let you know when your return is received and processed!

  • Refund

    The refund will be completed once the product has been received.